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Boland Survey & Design Services

Boland Survey & Design Services provides professional services in:

Aerial (UAV) Surveys:
Boland Survey & Design is a CASA accredited UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) Operator. Depending on client needs and safety within the job site, aerial surveying is an option to produce a contour and feature survey (3D model produced), monthly construction audits, or 4K quality video for the client. Photos of an entire job site can be taken and stitched together to form a single quality photo of the job site. Flight paths can be saved to run the same flight at different stages of the project for monitoring. The video and photo feature can also be used for marketing and inspections.

Civil Construction Set-Out (As Constructed Surveys/Drawings):  
Set-out for civil works such as sub-divisions, stormwater, water reticulation, sewer systems and roads. Once constructed, checks can be carried out and tolerance plans (as-con plans) can be produced showing difference from designed position.

Engineering Surveys: (Contour & Feature Surveys)
This is topographical modelling with plan produced. Hard copy plans and/or electronic plans. Electronic files formats suitable for Mum & Dad clients, Consulting Engineers, or Government Department needs. The survey may be carried out using conventional surveying or aerial surveying. Ground & aerial photos or video can be taken to compliment the survey.

Flood Study Surveys:
Surveys by either RTK GPS or Aerial Surveying. Working with client to meet desired deliverables.

Infrastructure Surveys:
Surveys for asset management using conventional surveying or aerial surveying.

Level Surveys:
Simple level surveys to diagnose and remedy drainage problems.

Power Line Surveys:
Similar to Engineering Surveys but depending on the clients needs, Ergon/Energex standard requirements may be required. Using reflector-less Total Station, heights of wires, and pole assets can be easily surveyed.

Structural Construction Set-Out:  
Set-out for construction may be from a hand drawn shed plan or a Consulting Engineers Certified Plan. Set-out may include building corners, centre of post, pipe set-out, or bolt set-out for structures with a high requirement for accuracy. Once constructed, checks can be carried out and tolerance plans (as-con plans) can be produced showing difference from designed position.

Structure Monitoring:
Checking movement in bridges, large tanks, concrete works and rail line.

Volume Surveys:
Calculating volumes and producing models from any two surfaces. Whether a standard or complicated stockpile this can be carried out using standard surveying techniques or aerial surveying. Photos and or video can also be produced.

Civil construction & engineering survey services
Resource: www.bolandsd.com.au/survey-and-design-services.php Printed: 2024-10-04
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